Your business stands and falls with sales and it can be a struggle when you haven’t set up your foundation correctly. To make sales, you must have a strong offer that your people are willing and able to buy. What it comes down to is simply this:
If they don’t need what you’re offering they won’t buy from you.
There I said it, yes, it’s blunt and it is the truth.
So many people out there are creating products and services without going to the source, their intended buyers and ask them directly
“Hey, is this something you would be interested in purchasing, do you have a need for it?”
This is the FIRST thing you must do in order to be able to close the sale.
You got to know WHO are your people, WHAT is it specifically that they struggle with and WHAT is their desired solution.
The SECOND thing is to create a SIGNATURE offer around this very specific problem and provide the EXACT solution your people are asking for.
People create a product or service because they feel inspired and that’s great but you got to keep WHO you’re serving in mind. You would not sell ice to eskimos, would you?
They have plenty of it already and you know they won’t open their wallet for it. That’s why it’s critical to check in with your audience and find out what is it they really need from you.
Lastly and this is the THIRD thing, you must create a message around your offer that speaks to your tribe, so that they can actually hear it. In other words, you must speak their language and you must find a way to differentiate yourself from the many others in your field.
I very much struggled with that when I first started my business. Even though I had a great offer that my audience needed, they could not understand what I was talking about. It was like I was speaking Chinese. My message fell completely flat until I figured out how to speak to them in a way that was easy for them to understand.
And make no mistake about it, your message must be in front of your audience consistently so that when the time comes and they are ready to make a buying decision you’re top of mind and their go-to-person.
Big corporations have a rather substantial marketing budget allocated for this very specific purpose. As a small business owner, you don’t have this discretionary slush fund, but in this day and age of Social Media you got amazing opportunities every single day to connect with your potential clients and customers.
You have to constantly be thinking about how you can get your message in front of more than one person at a time.
As you do that now, here are a few thought starters: Live videos on different platforms, being a guest on somebody else’s podcast or tele-summit, speaking engagements, mailings, personal contact….
The important thing is to be present every single day and put yourself out there giving amazing value, so that your people start seeing you as the expert that you truly are. And yes, this takes time, no short-cuts here. What you’re doing is planting seeds every single day, you grow and nurture them until it’s time for the harvest.
People buy from those they know, like and trust and when the time is right, when the harvest comes, all you have to do is ask for the sale and it will be effortless. This is how your income will grow and you’ll achieve the personal freedom to create a life and and business you love.
Simona Ksoll is a brand marketing strategist and mentor for small business owners and people who want to bring their big inner vision to life. Follow her on Facebook and LinkedIn and join her private Facebook Community.