I have said it many times I am a firm believer of using Facebook ads to grow my business and reach a wider audience. If you were on my recent webinar on the topic you know all about the 5 biggest beginner mistakes.
In my opinion besides selecting the right image that stops your audience in their tracks when they scroll through the news feed and writing compelling copy that truly connects with you tribe, hands down the biggest mistake I see people make out there is not having a solid TARGETING STRATEGY.
That’s why I wanted to share a few tips with you today.
First you must of course know who are your people, what do they need and how can your product/service help them. With that out of the way, you can focus on putting a rock solid plan together.
Here are 3 red-hot targeting strategies for you to consider.
These are warm leads that you have already cultivated. Meaning they are familiar with you and hence more interested in learning about the new content you are promoting.
Depending on the objective of your ad you can target
- your fan page followers (not all of them see your posts)
- your website traffic (especially if you have lots of visitors)
- your email list (if you are promoting a webinar or training call.)
Sure you have emailed them with the info but not all of them open their emails. But now BOOM as soon as they log on to Facebook they see your ad.
If your custom audiences are large, let’s say you have a few thousand people on your list, lots of website traffic and at least 1000 fan page followers, Facebook lets you create “Lookalike” audiences. Meaning it ‘looks for” audiences that have similar behaviors and interests than the custom audiences you have already cultivated.
This means your message is being exposed to a much larger pool of people. For example I have just over 1,000 fan page followers but my lookalike audience is almost 1,9 million. So by running an ad to that audience I can get message seen by a lot more people.
These are pages that are either complimentary to what it is you do or pages of others in your field that have a large following.
For example if you are a health coach you could target the page of another health coach with a huge following because likely their audience is interested in what you are offering
You could also target a page that is complimentary to what it is you do (pages related to fitness, nutrition, organic grocery shops such as Wholefoods,.. ) just to give you an idea.
Now Facebook has a pretty cool research tool where you can find out exactly which pages make the most sense to target for your business. This tool is called AUDIENCE INSIGHTS and you can find it in the ADS MANAGER under the TOOLS menu.
Play around with it and experiment, you will find out a lot of information about who your people are. In my new program I talk a lot more about targeting, how to select your audiences as well as how you can quickly and easily set up your ad in the Power Editor. Including installing the Facebook pixel correctly. This is critical to track your ad’s success and can save you lots of money.
You can learn more about it here.
But before I go, I wanted to share one more strategy with you (I know I said I was going to share 3) but I can’t help myself. I really want you to know about this.
To master your Facebook ads is all about testing, tweaking, learning and experimenting with what works and what does not work.
Create a spreadsheet and find at least 5-10 pages that you can target. Then as you start using them in your targeting, write down which ones are working and which ones are not, so you don’t ever target the ones that are not converting for you.
If you were on the training calls with me you know I recommend you target 1 page at a time, so you always know if it’s working or not. Once you have 5 pages that consistently covert for you, you can group them together in one targeting group. You do that in the AD SET under DETAILED TARGETING.
Lastly, keep this in mind. Nobody gets it right the first time, so don’t be hard on yourself. Test, learn, experiment and build your database of what works and what does not work.
Much love,