No more blending in, instead make your mark and claim your territory in the cluttered online world.
If I’ve learned one thing from working at a major Hollywood Studio for the past almost 15 years it’s you got to set yourself apart from the crowd in order to be successful.
The same principle is true for your business. Let’s face it, you are not alone, there are tons of others out there hustling just as hard as you and sometimes that can be discouraging especially when you believe the highlight reel that is Facebook.
You might ask yourself “How can I compete with that?” and here is the truth, you don’t have to.
Yes, you read right. YOU DON’T HAVE TO!
First of all, it’s not good for your mindset if you constantly compare yourself to others. So STOP IT, right now.
Instead of comparing, do your research. Yes, it’s okay to look at what others are doing but coming from a productive frame of mind so that you can position yourself DIFFERENTLY in the marketplace.
How do you do that?
STEP 1: You write a positioning statement for your product or service.
This will GUIDE you on how to INFLUENCE the perception of your prospects when it comes to your brand or product RELATIVE to somebody else’s brand or product.
The OBJECTIVE here is to occupy a CLEAR, UNIQUE and ADVANTAGEOUS position in your prospect’s mind.
In other words, you are looking at ALL THE THINGS that make your brand, product or service DIFFERENT from everybody else’s.
STEP 2: You get clear on what would motivate a prospect to buy from you versus from somebody else. What are some of the unique benefits you have to offer them that provide a tangible solution to a problem they are facing?
STEP 3: From here you craft a statement that delivers on the these points.
In marketing we call it a positioning statement but you’ve probably heard it labeled a MISSION STATEMENT.
It’s one powerful sentence that sums up all of the above and will positively INFLUENCE your prospects to work with you.
STEP 4: You make sure that ALL your messaging and marketing activities lead back to this statement, meaning you are always ON POSITIONING and what you put out there is aligned with the core promise you are making to your prospect.
That means you are not going to SOUND and LOOK like everybody else ever again because that is the fastest way to blend in and have your voice drowned out.
Pay attention to certain buzz words that you keep hearing in your industry and then DON’T USE THEM, instead find your own words, and infuse them with your sparkly personality(yes that’s attractive and that’s what makes you stand out.)
I dare you to be different and I guarantee you it’ll make a huge difference in your business.
Now, one last thing and this is important: Before you put out a post or do any of your marketing, check in to see if it’s on YOUR positioning.
This is how big corporations successfully reach their audience and so can you.
Simona Ksoll is a brand marketing strategist and business mentor positioning coaches and entrepreneurs to stand out in a crowded marketplace. Follow her on Facebook and LinkedIn and join her private Facebook Community.