I know last week I said that we were going to further explore our deep dive into the sales funnel talking about your sales platforms but I changed my mind on that and here is why:
Before I share that, I want to make sure you go in having a really strong front end because let’s face it if you don’t, even if you are running Facebook Ads nobody is going to sign up to come on a training call or webinar with you where you can make your offer.
Here is the thing: If you are not getting any traction, it’s because of how you are positioning yourself. You are blending in instead of STANDING OUT. And if you sound the same as everybody else, nobody is going to notice you, so I am going to say it again
What do I mean by that? Let me explain: I work at a major movie studio and I love my day job. Heck, I get to work with amazing people every day and I am selling movies that released in theaters to film fans around the world, so they can enjoy them in the comfort of their homes. Would you agree, that that is pretty cool?
Now if a movie is a big success at the box office that is easy. Everybody wants to bring it home. But what if it isn’t? What if it tanks? Then I have to come up with a brand new way to position it differently so people will want to buy it.
When I saw the same thing happening with so many coaches and entrepreneurs, I became fascinated by how what I do in my day job is the very same thing they need to do to turn it around. That is part of the reason why I started taking on private clients.
I love the creative process of brainstorming new ideas that can really position somebody in a whole new way and all over sudden they literally “pop out”.
So let me ask you, does this sound familiar? You are really good at what it is you do (like the movie is a good movie but for some reason it did not find its audience) and all you hear is crickets because you LOOK like, you SOUND like and you position yourself like EVERYBODY ELSE in your field. So what’s happening is you blend in instead of STANDING OUT for everybody to spot you right away.
You see how you position yourself can really make or break you whether you are a coach, an online entrepreneur or run a brick & mortar business. Chances are you are not the only game in town, so it becomes critical that you know how to differentiate what it is you do from what everybody else is doing.
To do that you have to become aware of what it is you do differently than the others in your field, what is it that makes you unique and really hone in on that in your message.
That is what I help my clients with. If you are hearing crickets, start thinking about HOW you can position yourself differently so you ARE the tall poppy that sticks out.
Much love,