From the moment that you decide you are going into business for yourself, you must become visible to your prospects, so they can hear your message, connect with your brand and take an interest in the product or service you are offering. This is a requirement for you to ultimately make the sale. Sometimes becoming visible might be easier said than done.
I don’t share this all too often but… I am an INTROVERT. There, I said it.
Yes, it’s hard for me to talk about personal experiences and if you had told me a couple of years ago I’d be doing Facebook Lives I’d never believe you.
When I first started my business, I had to work on getting over my own insecurities and get with the program fast. That meant putting myself out there on a daily basis, mustering up the courage to do webinars, Facebook Lives and stop worrying about how I looked or how I sounded.
Then something interesting happened. By becoming visible I started connecting with others in my field and I got invited to guest teach on their programs, I was interviewed on Blabs (yup that was a while ago…) and I started being a guest on summits.
One of the fastest ways to get your message heard (short of getting actual media exposure) is doing just that, being a guest on somebody else’s program, podcast, summit or live event.
No matter where you are in your business, whether you are just starting out or already established, when you can tap into the network of others who are further along in their business, you widen your reach. And this is at no cost to you because the person who has invited you has a built in audience that is interested in your product or service. It really does not get any better.
Your message gets exposed to more people, which means there is more opportunity for you to make the sale as a business owner.
Ponder this for a moment:
Who can you reach out to today, to ask them about the possibility of being a guest on their podcast or summit? Don’t be afraid to approach people you admire. They all have once been in your shoes and they were handed an opportunity by somebody else.
Think about how what it is you do can ADD VALUE to their audience and approach them with a proposal.You might be surprised how many people say YES and the truth is if you don’t ask, you don’t get.
You don’t have to wait for somebody to contact you. Instead take matters into your own hands.
Who can you talk to today that can help you spread your message, grow your impact, your influence and subsequently your income?
Simona Ksoll is a brand marketing strategist and business mentor positioning coaches and entrepreneurs to stand out in a crowded marketplace. Follow her on Facebook and LinkedIn and join her private Facebook Community.