To become successful in your business, you must know two things. Where are you starting from and where are you going. This way you can map out the road ahead of you and fill the gap.
The other day I was on the phone with a woman who wanted nothing more than to build her business so she could finally leave her corporate job where she felt she was being treated like a slave. Yes, those were her own words.
She’d been trying for some time now to get it off the ground, had invested in several coaches, bought countless online courses and found herself hopelessly overwhelmed and without the RESULTS she had hoped to gain.
As we spoke a picture started emerging.
She was NOT starting from where she was at to get where she wanted to go.
Instead, she was already half way down the road and found herself lost. It’s important to understand that
To succeed you MUST start from where you are at.
This way you can map out your journey correctly.
So, I offered her a couple of solutions:
One was to coach with me privately to fast-track her success which comes with a higher investment
and the other to join me in a small group program at a much lower investment where she can build the foundation she so desperately needs.
And then it happened…
She said she did not have the TIME, that she first needed to get through a high-level group program about how to scale her business that was the reason for her feeling overwhelmed in the first place.
I was stunned.
Frankly, it really made me sad.
She bought a program that was clearly not for where she’s at in her business, a program that teaches entrepreneurs who are already successful how to scale up.
And she was not even in a position to scale up YET.
Because she was unclear on who her audience is, what offer to make them and how to communicate with them, so they’d become clients.
But she had invested big money, so she felt she needed to stick with it which led to overwhelm and nothing getting done. She had not a single client.
That’s what I mean with you MUST start from where you are at.
Your foundation has to be in place before you can start thinking about going bigger.
Otherwise you are building a house of cards that’s going to collapse at the onset of a slight draft.
I want you to be successful, to work smarter not harder.
And to do that you have to have a real frank conversation with yourself about where you are starting from.
Everybody starts somewhere, even Bill Gates and Steve Jobs did at the time.
There is no judgement.
They just got really clear about the steps that they needed to take to get them to where they wanted to be.
So can you and when you do, you’ll find that success comes a lot easier.
Simona Ksoll is a brand marketing strategist and mentor for small business owners and people who want to bring their big inner vision to life. Follow her on Facebook and LinkedIn and join her private Facebook Community.