Even though you might have been diligently working on growing your list and community with prospects who are interested in your product or service and have been nurturing them with
To become successful in your business, you must know two things. Where are you starting from and where are you going. This way you can map out the road ahead
Here is common and costly misconception: So many people think BRANDING is about colors, logos, images and having the perfect website and yes that is all part of it but
Whether you are a service-based entrepreneur or you are selling a product, the growth of your business stands and falls with the amount of sales you make. And those sales are
This means you absolutely have to let go of people, places and things that are not in harmony with your desired outcome. Take a moment and think about this:
Do you
Your success in business is determined in part by how efficient your message reaches those who intend to buy from you.
Think about it: This is your first point of
Are you tweetable? There are 3 things that make your message highly shareable and you want to make sure you incorporate them when you sit down to write your marketing
From the moment that you decide you are going into business for yourself, you must become visible to your prospects, so they can hear your message, connect with your brand
Are you sharing your own story in your marketing message? If you don't, you're missing out. This is one of the most powerful ways to connect with your people.
Here is why:
False advertising and over-promising can destroy your reputation and your business at the mere click of a button in today's fast-paced social media world. You have to be impeccable with your word