Are you sharing your own story in your marketing message? If you don’t, you’re missing out. This is one of the most powerful ways to connect with your people.
Here is why:
Sharing how you have successfully overcome an obstacle your audience is currently facing and giving them a bit of a glimpse into your own life makes your message resonate with them on an emotional level.“
I talk a lot about this in “6 Weeks to Master Your Message” a program I created a while back that was intended to help entrepreneurs craft a powerful message to connect authentically with their audience, so they could make MORE SALES, be of GREATER SERVICE to more people and create a BIGGER IMPACT in the world.
When you infuse your message with EMOTION, your audience gets to know you as a real human being not just a random person.
You’ve probably heard the saying people buy from those they LIKE, KNOW and TRUST. Sharing part of your own story is essential for your audience to get to know, like and trust you.
Now obviously, you want to share about yourself in moderation and only after you have fully processed what you went through.
And here is the other thing, by sharing your story not only will you connect with them on an emotional level but you will also INSPIRE them.
Let me give you an example:
When I started talking a little bit about my own journey and trust me that was not easy for me, because I’m an introvert, I had people contact me because they wanted to know how I did it.
One woman, let’s call her Maria, wrote to me and said:
“I need to talk to you because I think you can help me.”
She saw something in me that inspired her and what you see in others is in you.
Maria has a dream and she’s facing an obstacle that is seemingly insurmountable but everything she ever wanted is on the other side of that obstacle and it’s there waiting for her now, literally. Getting around this obstacle is what we worked on together.
In a recent blog, I talked about being AUTHENTIC in your message which is important. Add in the emotional and inspirational component and you’ll see that this is a very powerful tool when used the right way to almost magnetically draw your people towards you.
By the way, this is also one of your key differentiators from the others in your field, because it’s your story and you are telling it in your own voice. Nobody else can do that.
So the benefit of using your story in your marketing is three-fold:
1. It allows you to connect with your audience on an emotional level.
2. It has the potential to inspire.
3. And it sets you apart from everybody else.
If you are not using your story in your marketing message, you are missing out.
Want to learn more, click HERE.
Simona Ksoll is a brand marketing strategist and business mentor positioning coaches and entrepreneurs to stand out in a crowded marketplace. Follow her on Facebook and LinkedIn and join her private Facebook Community.