To experience the success you desire, you must be willing and ready to make BOLD MOVES and overcome your fears.  Now, you might think easier said than done and how do I go about it?

The other day I came upon a very interesting book. Truth be told it had been in my possession for some time but I had never gotten around to reading it. 

The book is called YOU2 by an author by the name of Price Pritchett. In it he discusses the formula for multiplying your personal effectiveness in Quantum Leaps.

Now I realize this might sound a little scientific, so let me break it down.

Do you remember a time, when you had a strategy that was just a surefire hit, it worked every single time, until it didn’t anymore? And then you tried harder, because you thought if it did work before it must work now. 

You might have even found that when you pushed harder you could still squeeze some mileage out of this tried and tested strategy but you noticed that you were burning yourself out.

When this happens, you know it’s time for a BOLD MOVE. 

Things change, the marketplace changes, your client’s needs change, the way we do business changes and you have to be able to adapt to stay in the game.

So, when you find yourself at this crossroad, it’s time to abandon the status quo, flip the old strategy on its head and do something RADICALLY DIFFERENT.

We’re about half way through 2017 and if you’ve been struggling in your business it’s time to make a bold move.

Take a look of what is no longer working or what hasn’t been working at all and then start thinking about how could you do it completely different?

What would really be a bold move to make in this situation? 
Take the first thing that comes to mind, act on it.

Albert Einstein defined INSANITY like this:

Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

Imagine what could happen if you flipped your current strategy on its head and opened yourself up to the possibilities of an entirely different outcome.

Doing things radically different, will give you a radically different result.

All you have to do is make a decision and DO IT.  So many people won’t and they’ll continue to sit on the sidelines and complain while those who do rise to previously unimaginable new heights, simply because they said YES to leaving the familiar behind and taking a calculated risk.  

Think about it like this:

If it’s not working right now, don’t you have everything to gain by trying it a different way? There’s an opportunity in your life right now and you’re not saying YES to it. Why is that? What are you waiting for? Look around you and I guarantee you there is an opportunity right in front of you and here’s the thing. It might cost you, money, time, resources…  

That’s why you’re not saying YES but let’s really think about this.

What if this opportunity will get you your desired outcome?  Would it be worth the investment of your time, money and resources upfront?  

The question to ask yourself is:

Are you ready to step into the UNKNOWN and make a bold move today despite whatever fear comes up so that you can make 2017 YOUR year to massively succeed?

Yes or No?


Simona Ksoll is a brand marketing strategist and mentor for small business owners and people who want to bring their big inner vision to life.  Follow her on Facebook and  LinkedIn  and join her private Facebook Community.


