When it comes to successfully marketing your business, you have to be a great storyteller. Here is why:

Everybody loves a good story.

I’m in the movie industry and selling stories is my business as a brand marketing strategist for Sony.

Right now I’m working on the new Tom Hanks and the upcoming Jennifer Lawrence films which is mega exciting. Both have an epic story line.

But truth be told here is why we love stories:

Because they draw us in EMOTIONALLY, we connect with the characters, we laugh with them, we cry with them and we RELATE to them.

The SAME goes for your business.

What story you are telling about your business or your brand is important because this is how your audience connects with you on an EMOTIONAL level. Meaning you become human to them and they relate to you.

So HOW can you make people relate to you and what it is you do?

You’ll notice how big brands do this very successfully. They establish an emotional connection with their audience.

Here are a few examples:

McDonald’s – I’m lovin’ it

Nike– Just do it

Toms shoes – you buy a pair and and one child in need gets one for free

Apple – stylish and always on the very cutting edge of technology

Sounds familiar, right? Those are all example of brands making people feel good about purchasing their products.

Or if you look at some of the big internet marketers:

Amy Porterfield – tells the story of her husband becoming a fire fighter and so she had to step it up in her biz to allow him to realize his dream.

Melanie Duncan –it’s all about her gorgeous life in New York straight out of a Pinterest vision board and of course she is the queen of Pinterest.

My own mentor tells 2 very powerful stories of struggle and how he overcame it, over and over and over again and here is why:

These stories resonate with the audience they are intended for because they show them that if it’s possible for this person, it’s possible for them.

You see, by sharing your story you can actually tremendously help another person overcome an obstacle because you have done so yourself.

So how can you leverage this in your business?

Ask yourself this:

  1. How can you tie your personal story to your business? This could be background, past experiences, something that was the catalyst for you to do what you do in your business,….
  2. And how are the learnings from the struggles and obstacles that you have successfully overcome now helping your clients?

Then craft a story from there, fine-tune it, perfect it, master it and tie it closely to the product or service you are offering.

And when I say master it, I mean it has to end on a high note, just like in the movies your audience, too wants a happy ending.

This is how you will connect with them on an emotional level.
As you know people buy from those they LIKE, KNOW and TRUST. Sharing your story contributes to that in a big way.

 What’s the story you are telling? Comment below.


Simona Ksoll is a brand marketing strategist and business mentor positioning coaches and entrepreneurs to stand out in a crowded marketplace. Follow her on Facebook and  LinkedIn  and join her private Facebook Community.

