One of the biggest mistakes I made when I first started my business was being way too wordy with my message and using too much ‘marketing speech‘. To my audience it must have sounded like I was speaking in tongues. I’m sure they had no idea what I was talking about.

Can you relate or maybe this has happened to you as well?

It’s easy to get carried away as the expert that you are in your field. Keep in mind that you are quite a few steps ahead of your audience so you have to break it down into language they can easily understand.

Simple and casual usually works best when communicating with you tribe.

Here are a few tips and tweaks to whip your message into shape:

  • Open with a statement.
  • Use short sentences.
  • Keep it casual and light.
  • Make it about them, not about you.
  • Address a problem they are facing and provide a tangible solution.
  • And above all speak to them in their language.

Now, HOW do you ‘speak their language‘?

Start listening to how they word the things they struggle with and take note of recurring expressions and themes.

Then use them as anchors in your communication.

Unless it’s long-form sales page don’t use all the pain points in one post. Instead focus on one issue at a time, so you can stretch out your content over a few days or a week.

This is also helpful if you are targeting different people with a Facebook ad.

For instance if you are a health coach you talk differently to a high powered single executive who is looking for an effective fitness routine than a mom of three who’s interested in quick healthy recipes for her family.

Makes sense, right?

There’s a lot to consider when you sit down to craft your message. You might find you have more than one “persona” like in the above example.

Which one to focus on will be key so you don’t stretch yourself too thin and speak to the RIGHT person about the RIGHT issue they want to resolve and are willing to pay you for as the expert that you are.

If you find yourself  struggling with any of this, know that the problem is often two-fold:

Fine-tuning your audience and really honing in on WHY they should buy as in what’s in it for them.

At the end of the day all your audience is interested in are the RESULTS they are going to get from working with you.

And yes there is one more secret ingredient to really nail your message and by the way, that’s DIFFERENT for everybody…

… Because in order to stand out from the crowd you have to put into the mix what you do differently than all the others in your field.  Those are  your key selling points.

Put all three of the above together and you are golden.

Simona Ksoll is a brand marketing strategist and business mentor positioning coaches and entrepreneurs to stand out in a crowded marketplace. Follow her on Facebook and  LinkedIn  and join her private Facebook Community.

