Because I  see so many women out there spend countless hours on creating elaborate freebies and then being disappointed when nobody snaps them up,  I wanted to share a few tips with you today how you can create an irresistible free offer that your audience can’t wait to get their hands on.

First things first to make sure you are successful.

Ask yourself these questions:

  1. Who am I serving? Get super specific here.
  2. What keeps them up at night? In other words, what are their pain points, what are some of the obstacles they are facing, what are specific needs they have or what is their occasion?
  3. How does my product or service solve a particular pain point my audience is experiencing and what can I create that provides an immediate and tangible solution to this problem?

Once you are really clear on the above come up with a few possible options for your free offer but


you start creating, do your research.

Go out there and vet that what you are planning on offering is truly of interest to your tribe.

Find out what really resonates with them and ONLY THEN start creating your lead magnet.

You can do your research in groups, reaching out to your email list and Facebook fan page followers, or in person which is what I love best because it gives you the opportunity to ask follow up questions.

Often times we are so focused on the online world that we completely forget about the many times throughout our day where we can engage with people while waiting in line at the grocery store, sitting next to somebody on a plane, at the doctor’s office or, my favorite in a social setting,… those are all opportunities to have conversations.

Lastly keep it simple, nobody reads e-books anymore. Your people do not have the time and the bandwidth to digest 20+ pages of content.

They want quick, actionable at a glance solutions.

Here is what works well: cheat sheet and checklists.

Who doesn’t love a step-by-step check list that is quick and actionable?

A little reference guide that you can print out and put right next to your computer or on your fridge.

Consider the above before sitting down and creating your next free offer. What would truly help your ideal client and make them say:

“Yes that is exactly what I need. You are reading my mind!”

By the way I shared this as part of a recent online training as the first step of creating a successful automated marketing system that generates leads for you on autopilot. If you are interested, the replay is available for the next few days and

you can grab it right here.



Simona Ksoll is a brand marketing strategist and business mentor positioning coaches and entrepreneurs to stand out in a crowded marketplace. Follow her on Facebook and  LinkedIn  and join her private Facebook Community.


