It’s busy out there in Social Media land and if you’ve been at it for while you know that with thousands of online entrepreneurs trying to get their message heard, it’s easy for yours to get drowned out. I’m sure you’ve noticed that after a while everything starts looking and sounding the same.
When you subscribe to the formula of what supposedly works well for others and start applying it, you become one of many who look and sound the same. Your message gets lost because it blends in.
So how you can you find your authentic voice on Social Media and go from blending in to standing out, to make it easy for your tribe to spot you?
I know when I first started as an online entrepreneur I thought I had this thing covered. Working in Entertainment creating successful marketing campaigns for blockbuster films like Spider-Man, Django Unchained and Terminator, how difficult could it be?
Well, more difficult than I expected,…
Truth be told, I fell flat on my face and here is why. I was too ‘wordy‘ (for lack of a better word) meaning I used too much marketing speech that did not really resonate with my audience and most importantly I completely missed the main thing,…
People come onto Social Media to be social not to be sold to.
I learned this the hard way and it led to much frustration in the beginning.
Until I figured it out. So today I want to share with you my
They are:
1. DISRUPT We are all scrollers, would you agree, so unless something really captures our attention in the newsfeed, we are not going to stop scrolling. Your goal is to stop the scrollers in their tracks, be that with a bold statement in all caps or an engaging image that peeks interest.
2. BE AUTHENTIC Be yourself, don’t try to be somebody else only because you see it’s working for them. There is only one of you and that is your biggest differentiator from everybody else. Let your personality shine through when you call in your tribe. They’ll come running.
3. ADD VALUE Give more than you receive. Add value, a ton of it, engage with people who are asking for help and don’t be afraid to share some of your best nuggets. Trust me it will pay off huge. Before you know it this will establish you as an expert in your field and when the next person is asking for help BOOM, somebody might refer you as the go-to-person on the issue.
…,to learn more listen to this Blab interview I recently did with the wonderful Michelle Reinhardt (Founder of the Entrepreneurs Globally Unite Facebook Community) and the lovely Andie Noon (from The Dreamer’s Collective).
Click this LINK or on the image below to listen in.
I would love to hear your experience with finding your voice on Social Media.
What if anything do you struggle with and what works for you?
Let me know in the comments below.
Much love,
PS: Connect with me on Blab @ SimonaKsoll and join my private Facebook Community (100% spam free) to get to know and collaborate with women from around the globe on a mission to inspire, motivate and support one another as we create a life and business we love.