While divorce is a stressful live event, once you have processed your emotions and gone through the legal proceedings it’s also a great opportunity for a new beginning because…
Now the road is wide open to ask yourself an all-important question.
“What do I really want to do with the rest of my life?”
I know that is a big question and it’s also an essential one because it empowers you by giving you choice and the certainty that YOU and not other people or outside circumstances are in charge of your life and your destiny.
When my ex-husband walked out the door of our apartment the day before Valentines, it felt like the carpet was ripped out from under me. I went through a devastating divorce, one of the darkest times of my life where I had my therapist on speed dial and was taking a tranquilizer with my morning coffee to be able to perform at my high-octane corporate job where we were going through a massive restructuring.
When the emotional turmoil finally cleared 11 months later with my divorce becoming final, I embarked on a journey of reinventing myself: ultimately leaving my career as a Hollywood movie executive to become a transformational mentor and business consultant and I moved to… Mexico.

Today I guide and support high-achieving women over forty to courageously and often radically reinvent themselves in their next chapter: My clients have written books, moved countries and made their passion their profitable business…
Had you told me while I was in the thick of things that there is light at the end of the tunnel, and that I’d be able to find happiness and fulfillment after divorce, I would not have believed you. Yet, I am living proof that out of great darkness we can rise like a phoenix from the ashes.
The same and more is possible for you, and I’d love to help because I know what it feels like when you are at the beginning of this journey. A wide-open road can be overwhelming at first but with the right guidance it’s also a great opportunity to safely explore the depth of your soul and find your calling in the process.
And when you do, life gets better and better every single day not only for you but also for all the people you touch when you unpack your great gifts and step into that calling.
If you are at a crossroads as you are going through a divorce or perhaps the legal proceedings are already behind you, I’d love to invite you to a powerful conversation that helps you answer the question
“What do I really want to do with the rest of my life?”
And if you’d like we can create a plan for what that next chapter looks like.
When one door closes, another one opens. My door is open, and I welcome you to walk through.
“You were one of my divorce angels. My life and business are so different now.”
We were married for almost thirty years, when my ex-husband walked out. It was a shock to my system. When I was at my lowest, when I was crashing, you were there for me to lift me up.
A lot of my transformation has to do with the work we did together. When I first came to see you in Playa del Carmen, I got a glimpse of what was possible. That there IS life after divorce. You inspired me.
I took that mindset and lifestyle feeling with me, and created a healthy routine: I’m exercising, dancing salsa and I’m out and about almost every night of the week meeting with a new circle of friends and even dating again.
Another thing that clicked for me was that I don’t need a partner to help me run my business. I’ve proven to myself that I can do it very successfully on my own and am loving the freedom this has brought me financially as well as on a personal level.
I’m in a completely different headspace now and very clear that on what I want from my new partner: An equal who shares my passions and interests.
You were one of my divorce angels, Simona.
Thank you!
Ginny Perez, Owner, IT Pro Headquarters Inc. & Techgal Inc, Hollywood, FL
About Simona:
Simona Ksoll is a Business Consultant & Personal Mentor to high-achieving women over forty. A 20-year marketing executive in Hollywood, she has paired solid business strategy with neuroscience to help her clients radically reinvent themselves in their next chapter, so that they can make their vision their reality and create an amazing life.
Contact: simona@simonaksoll.com 424-272-1398