I’d like you to hear me out as I build the case…
Especially if you are a highly successful woman in corporate, VP level and up looking to start your own business and the fear of having to sell your product or service is what’s been holding you back because you don’t want to be perceived as pushy or salesy. This is for you.

Yesterday, I got a call from a former colleague, who after an unexpected layoff is seriously considering starting her own business combining two of her greatest passions into an amazing service. Yet, the thought of having to sell her service feels very uncomfortable, precisely because she doesn’t want to come off as salesy.

The minute you start your business, sales is the majority of the work you are going to be doing because without them you won’t be in business long. So you might as well embrace it and let me take it even further — fall in love with sales.

There is a perception that many of us have where sales equals the pushy, sleazy car salesman who takes all your money and sells you a lemon. This is the byproduct of the narratives we were brought up with, especially coming from the middle class. They shaped how we view sales and what we believe to be true about it.

Nobody likes that car salesman. Everybody talks about what a bad person he is and we don’t want to be associated with that at all, because we want to be liked, valued, loved, and accepted. So we make everything that has to do with sales as bad as that guy.
Now if you’ve grown up in an entrepreneurial family you most likely have a different view of sales: Sales is SERVICE.

Think about it: We have designated service providers that we buy from regularly when we need their service and we pay for it, no questions asked.
As a business owner, you provide a valuable service or product that helps others solve a problem or a need and you trade it for money. That is all a sale is – a SERVICE transaction.

Well that sounds all logical and good in theory, Simona but how does it work

in practical application?

It’s all about integrating this mindset “Sales is Service” where you so deeply believe it that it resonates on a cellular level and becomes a normal way of being for you where you feel really good about it. Like a fish in water. I mean it.


This starts with believing in your unique value proposition that your product or service is truly helping others better their lives. My client Michelle has a game-changing service that does that.

It makes other people’s jobs and lives easier and gives them back time in their day. What’s not to love? She wholeheartedly stands behind it and can talk about the benefits and results her clients receive from engaging with her service from a place of complete authenticity. That is a clean energy that is felt in her sales presentations where the service almost sells itself if there is a need for it.

But what do you mean by integrating it on a cellular level?

It’s one thing to consciously tell yourself “Sales is Service” as an affirmation but that does not wire it into your central nervous system where it becomes part of who you you are, your identity. For that, you must reprogram the image you have of yourself to one of a successful salesperson.
This starts with unearthing everything that you believe to be true about sales, good or bad and literally re-writing the software of your subconscious mind with a new belief statement that is then wired into your central nervous system.

I do this through a process based in neuroscience. It’s fast and it works. Now, here is the really cool part about this process. The minute you have locked it into your central nervous system, you are going to see it working in your life, as you take action.


How is sales a spiritual practice?

You have a desire to start your own business, combining your skills and talents to create a product or service that solves a problem or meets a need. In that sense, you are enriching others’ lives.

In the case of my client Michelle, her service gives people time back in their day and makes their jobs easier. They can get more done in a shorter amount of time and get to go home on time to be with their families. It’s a win for them, their families, their organization, and their customers. And it’s also a win for Michelle, her company, her employees, and their families.

A gift that keeps on giving and positively touches many lives made possible through a service transaction – commonly known as a sale.

Now if we notch it up and look at it from a metaphysical level, the desire to start your own business where did it come from?

It was placed into your heart by your Source who also equipped you with all the special unique talents and the resources you need to bring it to fulfillment. That Divine Source is part of you and it seeks expression with and through you in the physical world to benefit you and others you touch by providing your service. And who are we to say no to that?

Can you see how sales is a spiritual practice, something that you do for someone and not to someone?



PS: If this was helpful, you might also like my free video training on how to fall in love with sales where I share…

1. The small yet important mindset shift that’ll have you fall in LOVE with sales
2. How to get into the right frame of mind before your sales conversation
3. Why hearing NO is excellent for motivation…

You can download it for free HERE.

