This means you absolutely have to let go of people, places and things that are not in harmony with your desired outcome. Take a moment and think about this:
Do you have people in your life that are draining you of energy instead of supporting you in all your endeavors?
Is your environment inspiring you and fostering your creativity?
Do you have too many things on your plate to focus on what’s important?
These are all barriers to YOUR success.
If you have toxic people in your life you must remove yourself or at minimum limit your contact with them.
If your environment is not inspiring you to create, move to a new place. If you can’t do that change something in your current environment.
Start delegating tedious tasks to others, so you can focus on activities that actually move the needle and make you money.
Highly successful people surround themselves with people who are supportive of their outcomes, beautiful environments and they know how to delegate.
They have created daily habits and rituals that contribute to their spiritual, emotional, physical and mental well-being. And they have learned that they must keep these four areas in balance in order to stay motivated and focused on their desired outcome.
They have put a support system in place that they can turn to when they get triggered or otherwise impacted by life circumstances. In other words, they work with coaches, mentors, trainers, spiritual advisors to guide them out of the dark and back into the light, so they can stay focused and on track.
In life we learn through modeling, so think about what if you picked a highly successful person that you admire and modeled his or her behavior.
Above all success is a choice, it’s YOUR choice and you must be relentless about it every single day.
You must not TOLERATE anything or anybody getting in the way.
Simona Ksoll is a brand marketing strategist and mentor for small business owners and people who want to bring their big inner vision to life. Follow her on Facebook and LinkedIn and join her private Facebook Community.