I am going to let you in on a BIG SECRET. Do you know what is the one thing that really sets you apart from everybody else in your field, so you stand out and your tribe can easily spot you?
I am sure you are familiar with this scenario: You are putting out post after post and then there is silence. Well, there is a reason for it. You are blending in instead of STANDING OUT.
Just think about your own behavior online, you scroll, scroll, scroll until something jumps out at you and grabs your attention and you stop to take a closer look.
I used this image in a recent Facebook post (about how you can position yourself to stand out from the crowd) and it accomplished just that. It stopped people in their tracks and resulted in a bunch of comments, turned into business page likes and somebody booking a consult.
The image is the is the first step to get over the ‘scrolling barrier”.
Let’s face it, we are first and foremost visual creatures.
So now that you have their attention, the next step is to get your audience to engage with your post. The image did its job of stopping them in their tracks and they are curious to find out what it is about.
Here is where you have to draw them with the first couple of sentences. If you don’t you lose them, they’ll scroll on to the next thing that jumps out of them. (Remember studies have shown that the attention span online is now just 3 seconds.)
But WHAT IS THAT THING that will really make them pay attention? I am going to tell you, it is your message. It has to be compelling, it has to address specific pain points, obstacles or needs your audience is facing and it has to have a HOOK, meaning it has to quickly demonstrate that you are providing a solution to their problem or need.
And now the ‘Secret Sauce’,
it’s all about HOW YOU SAY what you say.
If you sound like everybody else they are just going back to scrolling, so don’t, STOP doing that, instead
- Speak to a specific audience, don’t be everything to everybody.
- Use your own words, not what everybody else is using because it’s the buzzword (or phrase) of the day.
- Get clear about what is unique about the way you do your thing and really hone in on that in your message. That is your biggest selling point.
Lastly add some flavor by sprinkling in some of your personality. Remember the old saying?
“There is only one you, everybody else is already taken.”
By default you stand out by being you. So don’t ‘put on a costume‘ and pretend to be who you think you need to be in order to succeed. That is how you blend in.
Take a moment to think about what these things are for you and then dial them up in every single post you put out.
Much love,