I’m going to caveat it. They are not mine.
When I first heard them, I thought I got it, but I only intellectually understood it.
I didn’t get the full extent of it.
Until I heard it again at a recent conference.
This time I heard this sentence differently.
~Rich Litvin
Here’s how I see this as a complete gamechanger.
If you have a big vision for your life, stay with me here for a moment.
This works even better when it’s one these goals that are so big, that at first, it might seem I-M-POSSIBLE to you.
Look ahead one year, maybe two years, maybe even three years and SEE yourself as having arrived at your destination.
What do you SEE in your life that lets you know that you have reached this goal?
What do you HEAR other people say about you?
What do you HEAR yourself say about you?
How do you FEEL?
Who have you become by pursuing this goal?
You’re not the same person that set out on this journey some time ago.
You’ve overcome all kinds of obstacles, you’ve likely done things you never thought you’d do… and in the course of this you have become MORE of you, a BIGGER version of you.
Now bring that BIGGER version of you that has just achieved this impossible goal into the PRESENT.
What if TODAY you started acting as this person?
What if TODAY you started making decisions from the place of this future self?
What if TODAY you lived your life as this person?
Would you be a BOLDER version of you?
Would you care less about what others say or think about you?
Would you be more confident?
More visible…?
More daring…?
More empowered…?
Think about this!
Really give it some serious thought.
What if TODAY you operated from this place, you came from this place of having achieved your impossible goal?
What would the impact of this be in your life and business?
Complete gamechanger, right?
Visualize yourself as having arrived and then every time the fear comes up or you think you can’t… act from this place, do whatever you need to get done, step into it as this person that has already arrived at the destination.
You’ll be amazed at what happens when you do and yes, you might wake up and have a
“Holy crap, did I really do this?”
moment from time to time and that’s just fine…
PS: If you’re reading this and your mind immediately goes into ‘Yeah, but mode”, I’d love to help. Drop me a line at simona@simonaksoll.com and let’s have a meaningful conversation to see what’s holding you back and how you can set yourself free.